It started on a “lark” and has become one of the most popular columns in the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly over the last ten years. Managing Editor Z. Colette Edwards, MD, MBA, said the long-standing column “humanizes the people behind the various successes.” It’s not only a way to gain insightful life lessons and words of wisdom, but contributors also find value in the process.
“They have said that it turned out to be a really good opportunity for them to take time to reflect, to identify things that may have been subconscious in terms of their values and what’s really important to their lives. So that column is something that people have taken very seriously, and they have put a lot of thought into the entries they submit,” Edwards added.
As we celebrate 10 years of the Wharton Healthcare Quarterly, we have a special edition of The Philosopher’s Corner now available on Amazon as an eBook for just $6.99 and a paperback for $16.99.
Proceeds benefit the Wharton Health Care Management Alumni Association, which is committed to lifelong learning of its members, contributing to healthcare, and supporting the HCM program and its students.
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