Virtual Class Happy Hour and Networking Session for WHCM Program Alumni

Date and Time
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
7:00pm— 8:30pm
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Philadelphia, PA
United States
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Who's coming
Brian Goldstein Kathryn Moran Alden Gordon John Schwarz Yan Yan Morgan Matthews Humphrey Wattanga Bhohathai Maksrivorawan Xin Xiong Lisa Wynn June Kinney Bernard Zipprich David Sturek Allison Fiore Sujit Dike Smita Jain Kevin McNally Melanie Fan Erica Bazerkanian Matthew Nix Michele Gallucci Robin Daigh Mark Smith Tom Davis Erica St. John Naoko Nishitani Jean Mellett Joan Magruder Andrew Wong Christopher Simpkins John Winkelman Emily Janvey Karen Meador Diane Ardolino Lora Rosenblum Shannon Ridge Christina Liu Keely Zipp Seema Gunda Andrea Klestadt Molly Doyle Rebecca Cooke Nancy Wang Lan Kang Michael Greenberg Amy Fitzpatrick Darshan Prabhu Chloe Stier
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In honor of our popular annual Wharton Healthcare Management Alumni Association Happy Hour at the JP Morgan Healthcare Conference, we'd like to continue the tradition virtually.

Please join us on Wednesday, March 3rd at 7pm ET for a graduation class-based virtual happy hour and networking session.  We thought it would be a great chance to catch up with fellow classmates after a crazy year.  Please let us know if you'd like to volunteer to be your class ambassador for this event, helping to kick off this happy hour.

For those who would like to continue to stay connected, we would also like to start class-based What'sApp chat groups.

Please sign up here to join WhatsApp.

We look forward to seeing you and don't forget to BYOB!

*Please note that this event is for Wharton Health Care Management Program alumni only

Registration is now closed for this event

Map & Directions


Philadelphia, PA, United States,
by public transit by car by bike Walking