Bridge Clinical Research has been selected as recipient of The 2017 Community Partner Award from The Stanford Center for Population Health Sciences. The award was presented at the Office of Community Engagement’s 15th Annual Community Health Symposium at Stanford University.
“The Community Partner Award is a reflection and acknowledgement of the commitment that community partners have made to Stanford and our students, as a true model for mutually beneficial community-campus partnerships. Stanford’s Office of Community Engagement’s 15th Annual Community Health Symposium honors Bridge Clinical Research for its strong partnership with Dr. Marcela Alsan, Assistant Professor at Stanford University. This study seeks to address health disparities due to a shortage of Black healthcare professionals and the incorporation of students as leaders in the implementation of this collaborative research study was inspiring. We applaud Bridge Clinical Research as an outstanding community partner,” said Rhonda McClinton-Brown, Executive Director of Office of Community Health at Stanford University School of Medicine.
Inspired by the 1972 study, “Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male,” Stanford scholar, Marcella Alsan MD, PHD of the Stanford School of Medicine partnered with Dr. Owen Garrick, President of Bridge Clinical Research, and initiated the Oakland Health Disparities Project. Drs. Garrick and Alsan are examining the issue of mistrust of the healthcare system, among other variables. “If you can overcome the issue of mistrust, then one can begin to reap the benefits of our healthcare system,” said Dr. Garrick.
Dr. Garrick collaborated with Dr. Alsan, students at Stanford and UC Berkeley, and emergency medical technicians to help launch the pilot project. Oakland barbers partnered with the researchers to use their barbershops as locations of patient recruitment. Over 200 Black men participated in the study, and the team achieved its recruitment goal over four (4) weekends. Dr. Alsan explains the results of the project thus far looks encouraging.
“The work is important, as it highlighted the role of diversity in medicine and helped identify barriers to obtaining preventative care. Partnering with Dr. Garrick and Bridge Clinical Research was crucial to the success of the pilot project, and we hope to be able to continue and scale our work in the future,” said Dr. Alsan.
Although, the intent of this project is to shed light on African-American wariness of medicine and healthcare providers, the results significantly moves towards bridging the gap between race and health outcomes.
To view a video summarizing the project please visit:
Contact at:
Riccesha Hattin
Bridge Clinical Research
Phone: 510.251.0490
[email protected]