Lisa W. Clark practices in the area of healthcare law with emphasis on federal and state regulatory issues applicable to providers, including HIPAA and privacy, cybersecurity, mobile and digital health, managed care contracting, advertising, and traditional and innovative provider reimbursement through new delivery models such as pay-for-performance, value based contracting, and accountable care organizations (ACOs). Ms. Clark leads the firm's Health Information Technology, mHealth, and Telemedicine Multidisciplinary Team.
Contact Lisa at:
[email protected]
Samantha Dalmass is a Winter Law Clerk at Duane Morris LLP in the Health Law Practice Group. Samantha attends Drexel University Thomas R. Kline School of Law in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she is a candidate for a dual degree, Juris Doctor and Masters in Public Health, May 2019.
Contact Samantha at:
Law Clerk
Duane Morris LLP
30 South 17th Street
Philadelphia, PA 19103-4196
Phone: 215.979.1257
Email: [email protected]