Come catch up with old friends and make new connections!
Come join Wharton Healthcare Alumni for wine and hors d'oevres.
Reconnect with your Healthcare classmates who are in town for Alumni Weekend! This is a free event; sponsored by the Wharton Healthcare Alumni Association but please register on-line so that we know how many to expect. We are also seeking sponsors for the event - see below!
Date: Saturday, May 14, 2016
Time: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm EDT
Location: The Stock Exchange - Steinberg Dietrich Hall
Cost: No cost to attend
Registration: Register Here
Sponsorship Opportunities for the Alumni Social Gathering:
Gold Level: $2,000 - name of Business prominently displayed at the event on a 2x3 foot sign; Acknowledgement at the gathering; also includes a free registration to the October 2016 alumni conference.
Register here!
Silver Level: $1,000 - name of business displayed at the event on a 2x3 foot sign (along with one other company who has sponsored at this level); acknowledgement at the gathering.
Register here!