This month's philosopher: Brian Corvino, WG’11
To learn more about Brian, click here.
Column Editor: Z. Colette Edwards, WG’84, MD’85
To learn more about Colette, click here.
If I knew then what I know now, I would have...
taken a few moments to sit back and reflect on an accomplishment and/or celebrate a success. In our quest for continued excellence, it is so easy to continue to focus on ‘the next goal or achievement’ without recognizing the journey that you or others have made so far.
If I knew then what I know now, I would NOT have...
let my own self-confidence hold me back from pursuing a goal. I have found we are much more capable of achieving things than what we think or believe we are. The human will and potential are great, and it is important to be reminded that we should not fear failure.
- “Life is long, and the world is small.” ~ Mom
- “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” ~ Oscar Wilde
- “No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.” AND “Carpe diem. Seize the day. Make your life extraordinary.” The Movie “Dead Poets Society” ~ watched during Dr. Terry LaPier’s class
Total Leadership by Stewart Friedman (Wharton Professor)
- Probably the single most trans-formational reading I have had in my life. I have read and re-read this book yearly, since I was a student at Wharton.
The Leader’s Checlist by Michael Useem (Wharton Professor)
- A fantastic short read and resource for everyone who seeks to advance their own leadership toolkit
Hippocratic Oath and Declaration of Geneva
- No matter what sector of healthcare we serve, it is important to remember why we do what we do.
Contact Brian at:
Managing Partner – DRG Consulting
Head – US Market Access Vertical
+1 215.968.9922 Direct
+1 215.622.5092 Mobile
[email protected]