Robin Daigh, WG’82 - Alumni News

Not all achievements are professional!  After enjoying many different facets of the healthcare industry, from healthcare delivery systems to start-up medical devices and healthcare IT, I retired after 35 years.

I joined my spouse on his bucket list trip to ride our bicycles across the country, camping along the way.  We travelled 3200 miles in about 60 days, from San Diego CA to St. Augustine FL.  The trip was memorable.  We learned so much about the U.S., and in particular, how the interstate highway system, Walmart, and Dollar General have combined to decimate rural America by all but eliminating mom and pop businesses.

Our next adventure begins in April 2019, when we will ride the entire Atlantic Coast, from Mile 0 in Key West to Calais, Canada.  Our route takes us through Philadelphia, so maybe I will be able to cycle through the Penn campus as we work our way north. 

If fellow alumni are interested in a bike touring adventure, either alone or with others, short distance or long, we highly recommend the non-profit group Adventure Cycling Association.

Contact Robin at:
[email protected]

Learn more.


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