Rick Brush and Jeff Doemland

8_photo_Rick_Brush.jpgRick is CEO of Wellville, a non-profit he launched with the angel investor Esther Dyson to improve health, equity, and financial outcomes in five U.S. communities over 10 years. In addition to leading the national project, Rick serves as advisor to the Wellville community of North Hartford, CT. He was previously senior consultant at ReThink Health and a coach to successful regional health partnerships around the U.S.

Rick is also founder and CEO of Collective Health, which developed the Health Impact Bond®, a pay-for-success (PFS) financing model that leverages future healthcare cost savings to generate upfront investment in prevention. Collective Health has applied this financing model to in-home asthma management, community paramedicine, and clinical-community strategies that address multiple chronic conditions and serious mental illness. 

Rick spent most of his career as a corporate strategist, including nearly a decade at the health insurer Cigna, where he was Chief Strategy and Marketing Officer for the national employer segment. He was a founding partner of Cigna’s Communities of Health venture, a multi-site initiative that convened public and private sector stakeholders to address the social determinants of health. Before that, Rick held strategy roles at Ford Credit, Bank One, and KPMG. He graduated from the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and lives with his wife and two children in Simsbury, CT.


Contact Rick at:
Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/rrbrush
Websites: Wellville.net, Collectivehealth.net
Twitter: @WayToWellville, @collectivehlth
Facebook: facebook.com/waytowellville



9_photo_Jeff_Doemland.pngJeff Doemland is the Wellville advisor to Spartanburg, SC. Wellville is a non-profit supporting five communities in their efforts to improve specific conditions driving poor health outcomes. In Spartanburg, Jeff is working with the local Wellville collaborative to advance several community health projects, including a community-wide effort to understand and address the effects of racial inequities on the vitality of the community. Prior to joining Wellville in 2015, he and Wellville-colleague Rick Brush led a project at the large health insurer Cigna, exploring the social determinants of health in four sites. Jeff lives in Farmington, CT.


Contact Jeff at:
[email protected]