Nicholas J. Lynn, Esq. and Ryan W. Brown, Esq.

lynnnick.pngNicholas J. Lynn is the vice chair of Duane Morris' Health Law Practice Group and was a member of the firm's Partners Board from 1999 to 2015. Mr. Lynn is chair of the office's health law practice. He focuses his practice on pharmaceutical law, laws affecting the post-acute care community, healthcare litigation and regulatory compliance matters.

A registered pharmacist with more than 30 years' experience in healthcare law, he is a former division chief and assistant chief counsel to the Illinois Department of Public Health and served as chief counsel to the Illinois Health Facilities Planning Board. Mr. Lynn is a member of and general counsel to the Illinois Health Care Association and Illinois Nursing Home Administrators Association. He is also on the American Health Care Association's legal committee. In addition, he is past president of the American Society for Pharmacy Law and a former editor of its publication, Rx Ipsa Loquitur. He served on the Advisory Board of DePaul University College of Law Health Law Institute and on the American Pharmaceutical Association's Pain Management Academy. Mr. Lynn is listed in Chambers USA: America's Leading Lawyers for Business, 2007-2018 editions.

Mr. Lynn is a 1980 graduate of The John Marshall Law School and a graduate of Drake University College of Pharmacy.


Contact Nicholas at:
[email protected]



brownryanwesley.pngRyan W. Brown practices in the area of health law. Mr. Brown is a 2018 graduate of Vanderbilt University Law School, where he was conventions editor of the Vanderbilt Law Review, and a magna cum laude graduate of Muhlenberg College. 


Contact Ryan at:
[email protected]