Neville M. Bilimoria is a partner with Duane Morris LLP’s Health Law Practice Group in Chicago, Illinois. Mr. Bilimoria advises healthcare clients on corporate and litigation matters and counsels hospitals, health systems, nursing homes, assisted living facilities, physicians, physician groups, pharmacies, and pharmaceutical companies on a variety of issues, including healthcare corporate transactions, healthcare fraud and abuse, compliance issues, telemedicine, HIPAA and state health privacy law issues, regulatory compliance, and resulting litigation. Mr. Bilimoria is the chair of Duane Morris’ Physician Services Group nationally and the India Subgroup practice internationally. He is also currently a member of the Duane Morris mHealth Group.
Mr. Bilimoria's corporate work includes representation of clients in transactions for the purchase and sale of healthcare facilities, health clinics, and physician practices, as well as counseling on various healthcare contracting issues. He has represented healthcare providers in administrative law matters and disciplinary actions. He has counseled pharmaceutical companies and pharmacies on state and federal regulatory issues.
Mr. Bilimoria was named one of the Top 40 Attorneys in Illinois Under 40 for 2005 (out of a pool of almost 60,000 eligible attorneys). He has also been listed by Illinois Super Lawyers since 2009 in Healthcare Law. He has been listed by the Illinois Leading Lawyers Network in Healthcare Law since 2010.
A frequent author and speaker on healthcare topics, he is the past Chair of the Chicago Bar Association's Health Law Committee. Mr. Bilimoria was also a Professor for Rush University Medical Center’s Graduate Program in Health Systems Management.
Mr. Bilimoria is a member of the American, Illinois State and Chicago bar associations, the American Health Lawyers Association and the Illinois Association of Healthcare Attorneys. He earned a BA in Philosophy from Northwestern University, where he received a Kappa Alpha Pi Award for academics and leadership. He received a JD from Northwestern University School of Law. He is also a former recipient of the India Tribune's Outstanding Youth Award and the North American Zoroastrian Outstanding Youth Award.