The Wharton Health Care Management Alumni Association (WHCMAA) offers to a qualified first year Wharton Healthcare MBA student a $15,000 Kissick/Alumni scholarship. The purpose of the scholarship is to assist in a student’s educational experience outside of the curriculum/program (but during matriculation in the MBA program) – which relates to having a “business building/social and intellectual capital / health policy impact or contribution”. Business building can relate to an entrepreneurial venture/building a business. A social impact experience could be defined as working within an economically depressed region within the US or abroad, providing services/products to the less fortunate, etc. An intellectual capital contribution could involve performing research for a nonprofit and possibly publishing on these findings Health policy impact could be defined as working for a state/federal agency as a health policy analyst (e.g. Senate Finance subcommittee on health). Any one of these options should have a strong educational component to it – with the end result being new learnings for the scholarship recipient. This scholarship would also take into account the following:
- Contribution to health care management education and program
- Likely future contribution to the field
- Current performance in program and activities
- Need (e.g. financial)
- Intention of completion of MBA and HCM major and remain in good academic standing