John Whitman, WG'78

John and Dr. David Chess have a new start-up called “Tapestry Telehealth” dedicated to providing primary and specialty care to residents of rural skilled nursing facilities across the country. The company will begin by offering virtual daily rounds, enabled through technology, for those skilled nursing facilities in rural America that need access to primary care services for their residents. It will also expand to include specialty consults and behavioral health services for this highly underserved population. Dr. David Chess is a champion and national leader in developing and using telemedicine to prevent avoidable SNF-to-hospital admissions and readmissions. 

On February 16th, 2018, John Whitman, as the Executive Director of The TRECS Institute, in partnership with the Leonard Davis Institute and The Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, will be hosting a one day, invitation-only summit to address the growing and serious issue of low income senior housing. The goal of the summit is to first highlight the national issues surrounding safe, affordable housing for America’s growing population of seniors. Over 50 national experts representing all aspects of low income senior housing will meet to discuss the current situation, but, more importantly, to strategize on possible solutions to the problems and develop a roadmap on how to move from where we are today to where we need and want to be in the future. The summit will be hosted at the Leonard David Institute.  

Contact John at:
[email protected]


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